About a month ago Ian Sanders, a writer from the Financial Times, got in touch with me out of the blue saying that he was putting together a feature on companies that do innovate things to attract and keep top talent.
Ian said he had heard about us and read about some of the things we do. Excitedly for me, as Battenhall at the time was only three months old, I met up with Ian and we talked about future business models and how some of the ideas I had were starting to take shape here in our new comms agency and how it goes beyond talent into innovation in the work we do.
The full article titled "Workplace Perks That Pay Off" goes in the paper tomorrow (Thursday 11th July) and is live online here (registration required).
Here's a snapshot of the Battenhall part of the feature...
If you're wanting to find out more, here is what we stand for at Battenhall from our website, we blog our thoughts on things going on in our industry most days, and on our Join Us page we explain our benefits and how we work, as well as listing our current job openings.
Onwards and upwards!