Inspired by a humorous tweet from Matt Locke, we thought both advertising AND PR deserved an analysis of the last week and how the Conclave dealt with the process of announcing that Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio will be the new Pope.
- No embargo: live news is better than embargoed.
- Timing: boy did they build up suspense, everyone watching Twitter for the words 'white smoke!'
- Flip it: all the headlines are about how 'different' the new Pope is. There's your story right there.
- Things in the sky get lots of coverage (especially smoke): many of the best-covered stunts have been done in the sky. Like this and this. Note for the next stunt planning meeting.
- Act fast: from resignation to new appointment was faster than a multinational can admit to having horse meat in their burgers.
- Don't sell an exclusive: how much do you think Hello would have had to pay for this one?
- Allow photography: you know those launch events where you can't take photos. This was like the opposite.
- Check the mic: how many press launches get botched with dodgy sound levels.
- Get stuck in: 'first day on the job - mass with the Cardinals' reads CNN's top story.
- Tweet: @pontifex has been used, sparingly, no hashtags, bit shouty, but used all the same.
(disclaimer, this blog post is meant to be for fun)