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  • My day job - I am founder of Battenhall, communications agency for the social media economy.


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June 21, 2011


It amazes me how my use of media has changed from social media and also how attitudes have changed. I remember when it was us techie PRs that were blogging and just talking about it in a small space. Now everyone I meet is an expert and is offering software training. It saddens me a little and makes me focus more on the online PR side as that is where our skills really lie.


Thanks to you and Mintel for the info. I agree, it's very interesting and helpful.

A question for Mintel and other research agencies that has bugged me for some years. Why does this type of data always bunch those over 55 into such a big demographic group?

A 55 year old's media consumption and use of digital technologies (my brother in law for example) is very different from a 70 year old (such as my aunt).

Surely this kind of age categorisation needs to be challenged as older generations and their consumption and use of the media/web/social media is nuanced and influenced by so many factors.

I'd be interested in your thoughts.

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