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« Foursquare is about to go... Bananatown | Main | The future all star - systems thinkers and the pyramid team »

March 10, 2011


Nice spot Drew. I've been 'off the grid' for a week, but have been using the new Foursquare today. Firstly, it's now so easy to spot specials and your own To Dos that I've already discovered somewhere new today that was always on my doorstep, but I didn't know was there (Hummus Bros - awesome). And secondly, I'm going to join you and experiment - when not special hunting, I'm going to stick to my social graph. I look forward to seeing how you get on.

Agree that this is a step in the right direction,one the novelty of aquiring pins wore off, but what about the quality of the content and the size of the network?

My point being that Yelp.com (massive audience in comparision to Foursquare) has already done this and has a huge database of reviews (plus a nifty iPhone app for checking in.)

Closer to home a very strong and conscientious community is Qype with over a 1million users (mostly in the UK).

Then there is also to groovy London based Rumble to throw into the mix.

What do you think?

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