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« Company blogging policy tips | Main | Needed: two new hires in our digital team »

August 13, 2008


It all comes down to relevance in a networked world, doesn't it? I don't care (presuming a certain threshold) about the quality of the press release, if it isn't relevant to me it's of no value.
If the person sharing the message with me is someone I trust, and who knows what I think is cool, I am more likely to embrace, adapt to my own community of purpose, and therefore pass on (to people who trust me).
This is the idea encapsulated in the P2PR discussion we've started here:

Sorry, looks like that link failed. the one attached to my name here, should take you there directly

Another good spot Drew (I enjoyed the blogging tips spot).

It raises an interesting question about PR's acceptance of the importance of bloggers and put time into thinking about engaging with them.

I wonder what % of PRs actually blog themselves..? Or even read them? Until this happens, not much will change across the industry.

Nice blog again Drew. I agree with the point that David makes above. It is hard to understand the dynamic of blogging if you don't blog yourself. I would like to see more PROs practising what they preach.

This week I secured nice coverage on three very important blogs for a client. I began working on these pitches several months in advance with by commenting on those blogs.

It takes time, if the time isn't worth it, don't do it.

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