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« links for 2007-03-13 | Main | UK Twitter experts start to circle | The new MySpace? »

March 15, 2007


Have you seen Heather Hopkin's latest post? It might bring you down to earth.... but then again it might not ;)

I'm more a fan of Dave Winer's post. People said much of the same criticisms about blogging as they now do Twitter. Cool that you're not a hater.

-Chris Brogan, the Lifehack author.

Cheers Chris!

Simon - Heather's calling Twitter a website - not sure if she 100 per cent gets it... I'm on Twitter up to 100 times a day and almost never through its website. Remember it's a plaform for IM, SMS and badges - not a site.

I went for an alternative take here. I like Twitter, but it'll never replace blogging for me. My personal (anonymous) blog has been with me for five years now, and is genuinely one of the most important things in my life. I can't see that being restricted to saying things in 140 characters or fewer will ever replace the creative/expressive outlet my blog gives me.

stumbled onto your post through jaiku, which answers some of the "what's next" questions you've raised. do you think there's a good chance for people just leapfrogging twitter?

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